Eric Postal, MD, is a diagnostic radiologist with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Teleradiology: Love, Loathe, or Laissez-Faire?
July 1st 2011There are few buzzwords likelier to get a strong reaction from radiologists than the one mentioned above. Bring it up, and folks can get animated, agitated, or downright angry. Part of what makes this such a tinderbox is that “teleradiology” refers to a heterogeneous group of entities, and it’s easy to dismiss them all with a single condemning sweep of the hand.
Knowing When Work Has Taken Over Your Life
May 9th 2011I recently heard some news about a colleague from my residency. He’s doing quite well for himself, holding a full-time job and also covering extra hours on the side. I know more than a few full-time radiologists whose annual salaries are less than half of what he’s earning, so it was a surprise to learn that he’s feeling frustrated. His dissatisfaction is not due to his long hours; his central issue is that his annual take is below the million-dollar mark.
Who's Behind High Health Care Costs? Maybe the Middlemen With the Clipboards
May 2nd 2011. Reimbursements continue to diminish, while the costs of doing business steadily increase. Meanwhile, we don’t seem to have lost any of our middlemen. In fact, the offered solutions usually seem to involve the creation of even more middlemen, who we are told will increase our efficiency and help us streamline our operation. Middlemen who will hold clipboards, sit in meetings, and spew words like “quality” and “compliance” when they have to show what they’ve contributed to the system.
The Overuse of "Stat" in Imaging Centers
April 8th 2011Once upon a time, when I worked primarily in hospitals, “stat” referred to emergencies, or at least something with real urgency (such as the patient is being cleared to have surgery tomorrow morning, etc.). After leaving the inpatient (and ER) world for outpatient imaging centers, I encountered some other uses of “stat.”
The Rise of "Noctors" and What It Means for Radiologists
April 1st 2011In our insulated world of diagnostic imaging, we might not have expected "noctors" to impact us all that much. However, I’ve noticed a trend in the past year or two for an increasing number of off-the-wall imaging studies to come my way... and most of this uptick seems to be from non-physicians ordering the studies.
Reward Your Best Staff - Even When Money is Tight
March 24th 2011Especially in the current economic climate, it might not be possible to keep up with the Joneses, dollar for dollar. Under such circumstances, it’s always worthwhile to consider what intangibles you’re offering your troops, before they ever consider breaking ranks.
You Get What You Pay For With Health IT
March 11th 2011Yes, times are tough. Costs are up, reimbursements are down, yada yada yada. And it’s true, you might not need the flashiest equipment on the market, and the biggest price-tag does not always mean the best product. You might not need the Lamborghini when a Hyundai will get you where you need to go. But paying even less and getting a used junker which will break down once a week is going a little too far with the concept.
Dealing With Asymmetry in Our Professional Lives
March 4th 2011Some asymmetries can be really challenging to manage, and uncertainty can plaque you well after you’ve signed your reports and moved on to other things. There are other asymmetries in our professional lives, however, that can be just as taxing to us - or even more so.