Sentinels of Syntax
Sometimes it’s good to sweat the little stuff.
On Making Efficient Schedules
What’s the best way to get people what they want?
Snappy Answers to Stupid (Radiological) Questions
When radiological images present familiar, perhaps, obvious questions.
Does Location Really Matter?
Does it really matter where you practice-especially as teleradiology becomes more popular?
Sometimes, You Have to Get Loud
Why volume shouldn’t get in the way of learning.
Who’s Got Your Back?
A cautionary tale of putting too much trust in your employer.
Summer’s Over, Now What?
Summer brings a time of busyness; now that it’s over, it might be a good time to catch up (or at least plan on it).
Where’s the Line Going to Be?
What’s the line your best employees will cross before they leave? And are you prepared to stop them from reaching that line?
The False Promise of Credentials
Do letters after a name mean anything?
Transforming Radiology: A Roadmap for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
For radiology to move forward, it’s vital for radiologists to navigate the complex process to bring new innovations to market. Here’s how.
The Next Big (or Small) Thing
Imagining the future of radiology technology.
The Impertinence of Pertinent Negatives
Just how important is documenting absolutely everything?
Are Radiologists Free from Office Drama?
It’s a common workplace complaint, but how common is it in radiology?
Why Don’t Radiology Textbooks Have Imperfect Images?
There’s a big difference between perfect images in textbooks and the blurry ones you find in the real world. What then?
Check Your Alignment
There are some rads who seem aligned to chaos in their reports.
Making the Most of Your Radgroup
Simple tips for helping your group operate at its full potential.
Always Be Recruiting
Recruiting shouldn’t ever be a last-minute thing.
Strides in 3D Printing Offer Game-Changing Applications for Radiology
How advances in 3D printing could bring significant changes to radiology practices.
Predicting the Unpredictable
Can you really plan for everything?
Starting Your Week on the Right Foot
Tips for getting the most out of your week, from one radiologist to another.
A Matter of Perspective
Why it always helps to put things into perspective.
Physician Burnout: Often Diagnosed, Never Treated
Burnout makes news all the time, so why does it seem like nothing is ever done about it?
Are Radiology Practice Partnerships Still Happening?
Why it’s worth earning what you own.
What Led Me (and Possibly You) to Specialize in Radiology
It’s not always talked about, but why do radiologists do what they do?
Great (or Not Quite So Great) Expectations
Expectations-both for yourself and your work environment-play a huge role in radiology.
Moving on to Your First Radiology Job? Prepare for the Long Haul
In a lot of ways, going to your first job in radiology after residency is like changing from running laps to doing cross country-it’s a lot longer and lot less regular.
What’s Your Radiology Subspecialty?
Does specializing in radiology actually mean anything anymore?
Searching in All the Same Places
Eric Postal asks, why does meddling with healthcare so often take the same approach?
Why Medical Language Matters
Are medical professionals really exempt from a dumbing down of language?
Never Enough Evidence
A rad's job is pretty straightforward-at least in theory. When your job description meets the uncertainties of the real world, how do you cope?