
Linda Kelahan, MD


Image IQ: 69 year old man with headaches.

69-year-old man presents with headache.

Lisa M. Dias, MD


Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia

A 48-year-old premenopausal female presented for screening mammo. She had no history of breast or ovarian cancer

Liza Haar


Big Data Problem in Radiology

[VIDEO] IT and radiology have to prepare for big data, together.

Lois Wingerson


Breast Cancer Screening in 2025: Mammography, MRI, or More?

Will we still be using mammography for breast cancer screening one fourth of the way through this century? That was the question posed in one session at ECR 2011, and speaker Christine Kuhl said she greatly fears that we actually may.

Loren Bonner


Patients Don’t Want to Talk to Radiologists

Radiology’s quest for value includes more patient-interaction, but what if patients don’t want to interact with radiologists?

Lorenzo Cereser, MD


CAD comes under scrutiny in breast screening debate

Computer-aided detection (CAD) tools use software to analyze digital or digitized images to find features associated with the target disease.

Lucas Prayer, MD


Three-T evolves to meet speed vs. quality balance

The feasibility of 3T MR as a general-purpose clinical imaging modality is an ongoing controversy. Although whole-body 3T MRI has been available for several years, most systems to date have been sold to university hospitals and research facilities.

Luis GuimarÃes, MD


Multislice CT illuminatescholangiocarcinoma cases

Cholangiocarcinoma is an adenocarcinoma that arises from the intra- and extrahepatic bile duct epithelium.

Luis Miguel Curvo Semedo, MD


CT and MRI drive awareness of vascular liver disorders

The liver receives blood from arterial (20%) and venous (80%) sources. This dual blood supply means that the organ is well-suited to contrast-enhanced cross-sectional imaging.

Luther B. Adair Ii, MD


New iPad App Allows for Sharing Radiology Teaching Files

I wanted a better way to view and present medical images, so my colleagues and I created an iPad app.

Luther B. Adair, II, MD


Learning About X-rays with Lula and Ethan

Educating patients about radiation is more important than ever.

M. Shane Foreman


Market conditions test economics of diagnostic imaging services

Just as diagnostic imaging providers were figuring out strategies to weather the reimbursement cuts mandated by the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the ground shifted once more with a severe economic downturn.

M.T. Makada


Behavioral Changes, Known Bipolar Disorder

Case History: 60-year-old male presents with behavioral changes for 2 months in bipolar disorder.

M.T. Makada, MD


Jaw Pain While Chewing

Case History: 24-year-old female with pain while chewing and locking of jaw.

Maci Sickels


Umbilical Hernia

Case History: Pregnant female, 21 weeks 3 days gestational age, G2P1, experiencing severe peri-umbilical pain and a palpable bump just to the right of the umbilicus.

Madalena Pimenta, MD


Multislice CT illuminatescholangiocarcinoma cases

Cholangiocarcinoma is an adenocarcinoma that arises from the intra- and extrahepatic bile duct epithelium.

Madan Mohan Gupta


Cough, Fever

Case History: Two-year-old female with cough with expectoration and high-grade fever.

Madan Mohan Gupta, MD


Ischiopagus Parasiticus Bipus

A 2-day-old neonate presented to pediatric emergency with gross congenital anomaly.

Madan Mohan Gupta, N.U.



Case History: 15-month-old with focal seizure, developmental delay, disproportionate increase in size of head.

Madan Mohan Gupta, N.U. BAHRI, MD


Unilateral Warthin Tumor Mimics Cystic Pleomorphic Adenoma

Case History: 35-year-old patient with gradually progressive, painless swelling in left parotid region, unremarkable history.

Makada, MD


Cystic Meningioma

Case History: A 65-year-old patient presented with complaint of sudden onset of left sided hemiparesis.

Maleah Grover-Mckay, MD


Convert turf battles into productive joint ventures

Since the introduction of cardiac catheterization in the 1940s, development and implementation of cardiovascular imaging techniques have been a collaborative effort among several specialties, particularly radiology and cardiology. Many pioneers in CV imaging have held joint appointments.

Maliha Sadiq


Siemens showcases stereoscopic 3D ultrasound

Siemens demonstrated Sie-Reality at this year’s RSNA conference. The new ultrasound technology displays fetal images that take on a third dimension when viewed through 3D glasses.

Manish Taneja, MD


MSCT angio advances in peripheral vessels

CT angiography is an emerging technique for noninvasive evaluation of peripheral vascular disease. CT was first used to evaluate the peripheral vasculature in the early 1990s. Single-detector spiral CT scanners were limited by their inability to cover the whole vasculature from the diaphragm to the feet quickly enough to track a contrast bolus. These limitations were overcome with the advent of multislice CT scanners in 1998.1 MSCT images are comparable to those obtained with catheter angiography.

Manuel Escobar, MD


CT and x-ray signs point to pulmonary pathologies

Patterns in radiological images can help with the identification and differential diagnosis of selected processes.1,2 Such signs should be recognizable, having a characteristic appearance that can identified.

Manuel Lamas, MD


Small bowel findings reveal tumor spectrum

The spectrum of usual and unusual primary neoplasms involving the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum is extremely wide. Our own database of digestive pathology contains a range of benign small bowel neoplasms (adenoma, leiomyoma, lipoma, familial polyposis, hemangioma, lymphangioma, and fibroma), as well as examples of malignancy (adenocarcinoma, carcinoid tumor, lymphoma, leiomyosarcoma, direct extension from extraintestinal tumors, and metastasic lesions).

Manuel Vázquez Caruncho, MD


Evidence-based or rage-based scientific debate? The case of screening mammography for premenopausal women

Baum stated after delivering a lecture about the U.K. breast cancer screening in the USA: "I learned a painful lesson that day: that some topics, particularly breast cancer screening, do not lend themselves to polite and rational scientific debate."

Marc Wuerdeman, MD


Severe Lower Left Abdominal Pain

Case History: 43-year-old female with no significant medical or surgical history presents with acute onset, severe left lower abdominal pain.

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