Residents need representation at ECR


The ECR: how to get there? One. The easy way. Have a head of department who sees the enormous educational and social value of the ECR for residents.

Miraude EAPM Adriaensen, M.D., MSc


One. The easy way. Have a head of department who sees the enormous educational and social value of the ECR for residents.

Two. Write an educational and/or scientific abstract, get it accepted, and make sure you are the presenter. All presenters have to be present.

Three. If you are a spring chicken (i.e., younger than 30 years of age), apply for the Invest in the Youth Program of the ECR. Successful applicants are offered free registration, four nights of hotel accommodation, and free public transport for the duration of the congress. But apply early. This year's program was fully booked within three days after the online application was opened.

Four. Invest in yourself. It is worth it.


The trainees of today are the radiologists of tomorrow. The decisions made today by our seniors will influence our future working conditions and the future of our profession.


The Radiology Trainee Forum (RTF) was established in 1991 to improve the fields of training, career development, and research for junior radiologists, as well as to promote exchange programs and the creation of national junior radiologists' organizations. The RTF consists of one junior representative from each European member society of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) (

The Permanent Working Group of European Junior Doctors (PWG) is the umbrella organization of junior doctors' associations from all over Europe (EU and EEA). PWG's initial objectives include improving relations between its member organizations and narrowing the gap (in among other things quality of training and working conditions) between the residents in different countries as well as safeguarding the interests of residents in Europe.

In accordance with the statutes of the UEMS European Sections and Boards, each UEMS Specialist Section welcomes one PWG delegate to represent the residents of the specialty in question. The PWG delegate is a full member of the Specialist Section and the Educational Board if the Specialist Section has installed an Educational Board, and the PWG delegate has voting rights.

The Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS) is the European representative organization of the various national associations of medical specialists in the EU member countries. The objectives of the UEMS include the promotion of quality patient care through the harmonization and improvement of quality of specialists' medical care in the countries of the European Union and the encouragement and facilitation of CME (continuing medical education) for European specialists.

The UEMS is the most important body dealing with medical specialist training on a European level. It sets standards of PGT (postgraduate education) and CME and decides how many European credit points you can get for having attended a certain PGT/CME event. The UEMS represents over one million specialists in all different specialties and works through 37 Specialist Sections. The Specialist Sections deal with specialty-specific topics. They set up the European Training Syllabuses (i.e., the training standards for its specialty) and organize visitations of training centers.


Visit the RTF booth in the entrance hall during the ECR and get yourself an invitation for the RTF cocktail party.

Attend the RFT highlighted lectures, Saturday, 8 March, 16.00-17.30, Room K.

Attend the RTF general assembly, Sunday, 9 March, 16.30-18.00, Room XI and get informed about the RFT exchange program, among many other things. Learn how to become a host and how to become a guest.

Send an e-mail to the PWG ( to receive a summary of the latest UEMS Section of Radiology meeting.


Enjoy your ECR experience!

Dr. Adriaensen is a resident in radiology at Meander MC in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, and a PWG delegate to the UEMS Section of Radiology.

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