Two dozen peer-reviewed journal articles from 2003 to 2005 address different aspects of renal RFA. General review articles are included, as well as cost comparisons, comparisons of techniques, comparisons with other therapies, and literature reviews.
Two dozen peer-reviewed journal articles from 2003 to 2005 address different aspects of renal RFA. General review articles are included, as well as cost comparisons, comparisons of techniques, comparisons with other therapies, and literature reviews.
Bhayani SB, Allaf ME, Su LM, Solomon Sb
Wash U St Louis
Neuromuscular complications after percutaneous radiofrequency ablation
of renal tumors
Urology 2005 Mar;65(3):592
Gervais Da, Arellano RS, Mueller PR
Mass General
Percutaneous radiofrequncy ablation of renal cell carcinoma
Eur Radiol 2005 May;15(5):960-967
Krambeck AE, Farrell MA, Charboeau JW, Frank I, Zincke H
Mayo Clinic
Intraperitoneal drop metastasis after radiofrequency ablation of
pararenal tumor recurrences
Urology 2005 Apr;65(4):97
Lotan Y, Cadeddu JA
U Texas Southwestern
A cost comparison of nephron-sparing techniques for renal tumor
BJU Int 2005 May;95(7):1039-1142
Margulis V, Matsumoto ED, Lindberg G, Tunc L, Taylor G, Sagalowsky AI,
Cadeddu JA
U Texas Southwestern
Acute histological effects of temperature-based radiofrequency ablation
on renal tumor pathologic interpretation
Urology 2004 Oct;64(4):660-663
Marshall FF
Phase II clinical trial of interactive MR imaging-guided interstitial
radiofrequency thermal ablation of primary kidney tumors: initial
J Urol 2005 May;173(5):1531
Neeman Z, Sarin S, Coleman J, Fojo T, Wood BJ
Radiofrequency ablation for tumor-related massive hematuria
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2005 Mar; 16(3):417-421
Schiller JD, Gervais DA, Mueller PR
Mass General
Radiofrequency ablation of renal cell carcinoma
Abdom Imaging 2005 Jan 20; Epub ahead of print
Siegel C
Percutaneous CT-guided radiofrequency ablation of renal neoplasms:
factor influencing success
J Urol 2005 Apr;173(4):114
Trabulsi EJ, Kalra P, Gomelle LG
Jefferson Medical Col 0 TJU
New approaches to the minimally invasive treatment of kidney tumors
Cancer J 2005 Jan-Feb;11(1):57-63
Abreu SC, Gill IS
Cleveland Clinic
Laparascop and Min Invasive Surgery
Renal cell carcinoma: modern surgical approach
Curr Opin Urol. 2003 Nov;13(6):439-444
Farrell MA, Charboneau JW, Callstrom MR, Reading CC, Engen DE, Blute ML
Mayo Clinic
Paranephric water instillation: a technique to prevent bowel injury
during percutaneous renal radiofrequency ablation
AJR 2003 Nov;18(5):1315-1317
Hines-Peralta A, Goldberg SN
Beth Israel
Min Inv Surg, Radiology
Review of radiofrequency ablation for renal cell carcinoma
Clin Cancer Res 2004 Sep 15;10(18 OPt2):6238S-6234S
Hinshaw JL, Lee FT
U Wisconsin
Image-guided ablation of renal cell carcinoma
Magn Reson Imaging Clin North Am 2004 Aug;12(3):429-447, vi
Johnson DB, Cadeddu JA
U Texas Southwestern Med Ctr
Min Inv Urologic Cancer Ctr
Radiofrequency interstitial tumor ablation: dry electrode
J Endourol 2003 Oct;17(8):557-562.
Matlaga BR, Zagoria RJ, Clark PE, Hall MC
Wake Forest
Radiofrequency ablation of small renal tumors
Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 2004 Feb;4(1):77-83
Matlaga BR, Zagoria RJ, Clark PE, Hall MC
Wake Forest
Radiofrequency ablation of renal tumors
Curr Urol Rep 2004 Feb;5(1):39-44
Mayo-Smith WW, Dupuy DE
Brown U
Adrenal neoplasms: CT-guided radiofrequency ablation - preliminary
Radiology 2004 Apr;2231(1):225-230
Nakada SY, Jerde TJ, Warner TF, Wright AS, Haemmerich D, Mahvi DM, Lee
U Wisconsin
Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of the kidney: comparison with monopolar
radiofrequency ablation
J Endourol. 2003 Dec;17(10):927-933.
Nakada SY, Jerde TJ, Warner TF, Lee FT
U Wisconsin
Comparison of radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation, and nephrectomy in
treating impanted VX-2 carcinoma in rabbit kidneys
J Endourol 2004 Jun;18(5):501-506
Rehman J, Landman J, Lee D, Ventatesh R, Bostwick DG, Sundaram C,
Clayman RV
Needle-based ablation of renal parenchyma using microwave, cryoablation,
impedance- and temperature-based monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency,
and liquid and gel chemoablation: laboratory studies and review of
J Endourol 2004 Feb;18(1):83-104.
Varro Z, Locklin JK, Wood BJ
Laser navigation for radiofrequency ablation
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2004 Sept-Oct;27(5):512-515
Zagoria RJ
Wake Forest
Percutaneous image-guided radiofrequency ablation of renal malignancies
Radiol Clin North Am 2003 Sep;4(5):1067-1075
New CT and MRI Research Shows Link Between LR-M Lesions and Rapid Progression of Early-Stage HCC
January 2nd 2025Seventy percent of LR-M hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases were associated with rapid growth in comparison to 12.5 percent of LR-4 HCCs and 28.5 percent of LR-4 HCCs, according to a new study.
Study Examines Impact of Deep Learning on Fast MRI Protocols for Knee Pain
December 17th 2024Ten-minute and five-minute knee MRI exams with compressed sequences facilitated by deep learning offered nearly equivalent sensitivity and specificity as an 18-minute conventional MRI knee exam, according to research presented recently at the RSNA conference.