I3Archive specializes in cross-enterprise distribution and access of health images and data, using distributed archiving supercomputer technology. Its National Digital Medical Archive (NDMA) is a distributed database system currently containing approximately 500,000 digital mammography (and related) DICOM images, associated demographic and clinical data, and reports. The product's name was changed from National Digital Mammography Archive in May to reflect its inclusion of breast MRI and breast ultrasound images.
I3Archive specializes in cross-enterprise distribution and access of health images and data, using distributed archiving supercomputer technology. Its National Digital Medical Archive (NDMA) is a distributed database system currently containing approximately 500,000 digital mammography (and related) DICOM images, associated demographic and clinical data, and reports. The product's name was changed from National Digital Mammography Archive in May to reflect its inclusion of breast MRI and breast ultrasound images.
Although each client's data are securely segregated, NDMA is optimized for authorized healthcare organizations to share applications and storage. With appropriate authorizations, a patient's file originating at one hospital can be accessed and viewed within 90 seconds by another NDMA client. Similarly, data for research can be anonymized and shared by multiple authorized organizations. Permission to transport records from one client to another is highly controlled by multilevel hierarchical permission tables that allow organizations to block or enable other entities' accessibility to content. NDMA is specifically designed to provide analytical databases and reporting systems for research applications in breast cancer. The service includes CAD analysis.
NDMA is offered with three levels of service: NDMA Services provide offsite redundant secure storage, NDMA Onsite adds onsite storage of, typically, up to three years' exams, and NDMA Direct provides access to archived images and reports without the need for additional equipment. All services are customizable.
I3Archive does not provide storage backup-only services, but it will provide disaster recovery services. The company introduced my NDMA.com in February, a service that provides centralized management and archiving of mammography reports and images to individuals.
IBM and GE Healthcare, as well as I3Archive, market and sell NDMA services, although I3Archive directly handles installation. Service is performed through remote monitoring, and a four-hour onsite service response is guaranteed.
Study: Mammography AI Leads to 29 Percent Increase in Breast Cancer Detection
February 5th 2025Use of the mammography AI software had a nearly equivalent false positive rate as unassisted radiologist interpretation and resulted in a 44 percent reduction in screen reading workload, according to findings from a randomized controlled trial involving over 105,000 women.