Excessive cash flow? Full-functioning speech recognition? Here are some blog topic ideas that might not see the light of day.
I rarely write just one of these blogs at a time. Generally, two or three will develop in parallel. Sometimes, a completed entry will seem less than timely (for instance, a happy piece about this unusually mild winter written right before the current frigid week in my neck of the woods), and I'll shelve it until circumstances are more opportune.
Some seem guaranteed to eternal mothballing, however, and one does hope that effort spent on such pursuits will not turn out to be entirely wasted. At the very least, I thought I might share some of their titles:
Finding Uses for Your Practice's Excess Cash Flow
Voice Recognition: Now it's Flawless
10 New Indications for Pneumoencephalograms
Regulation - We Need More!
Asking for More Clinical History is a Sign of Weakness
Cooking with Barium: My Grandmother's Best Recipes
Insufficient Radiation - what You Can Do to Increase Dosage
Fun Applications of the Fourier Transform
Excessive Influence: Why DC Needs to Stop Listening to Doctors About Fixing Health Care
How Organized Crime Can Help Your Practice Get Ahead
Only Crybabies Want Tort Reform
One Eye Per Patient: How to Double Your Productivity
Dictating in Iambic Pentameter
Stark, Schmark: How to Self-refer Like a Champ
Why "Google Translate" Handles Informed Consent Just as Well as an Interpreter
8 Wasted Hours: You Should be Working More and Sleeping Less
Fun Things to Throw into the MRI Suite
Maintaining Certification and Licensure is Too Darned Easy
Throw 'Em Under the Bus: How to Scuttle Competitors' Careers via Peer Review
A List of Diagnoses from Famous Patients I Have Imaged - Come Get Me, HIPAA!
Can Generative AI Facilitate Simulated Contrast Enhancement for Prostate MRI?
January 14th 2025Deep learning synthesis of contrast-enhanced MRI from non-contrast prostate MRI sequences provided an average multiscale structural similarity index of 70 percent with actual contrast-enhanced prostate MRI in external validation testing from newly published research.
Can MRI Have an Impact with Fertility-Sparing Treatments for Endometrial and Cervical Cancers?
January 9th 2025In a literature review that includes insights from recently issued guidelines from multiple European medical societies, researchers discuss the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in facilitating appropriate patient selection for fertility-sparing treatments to address early-stage endometrial and cervical cancer.