ADAC Medical Systems, thenewly created equipment division of ADAC Laboratories, will displayVantage, its simultaneous transmission-emission attenuation correctiontechnique for the Vertex adjustable dual-head gamma camera (SCAN6/1/94). The technique is
ADAC Medical Systems, thenewly created equipment division of ADAC Laboratories, will displayVantage, its simultaneous transmission-emission attenuation correctiontechnique for the Vertex adjustable dual-head gamma camera (SCAN6/1/94). The technique is useful in eliminating artifacts createdduring nuclear cardiology procedures. ADAC has submitted a 510(k)application with the Food and Drug Administration for the techniqueand expects to have marketing clearance by December.
ADAC, of Milpitas, CA, will emphasize the throughput advantagesof using Vantage with the gamma camera detectors in the 90ºconfiguration. This offers higher throughput compared to similartechniques used on triple-head cameras, according to Ian Farmer,vice president of nuclear medicine marketing. Picker, the onlyvendor with a simultaneous attenuation correction technique onthe market, uses the technology on its triple-head Prism 3000camera (SCAN 6/1/94).
ADAC will also display 511-KeV collimators for fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) imaging with Vertex. ADAC expects the technique to showutility in oncology imaging, Farmer said.
On the radiology information systems side, ADAC HealthcareInformation Systems will highlight its QuadRIS product, introducedearlier this year. ADAC will also show its progress in developingan information system for mammography facilities.
Computed Tomography Study Assesses Model for Predicting Recurrence of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
January 31st 2025A predictive model for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) recurrence, based on clinical parameters and CT findings, demonstrated an 85.2 percent AUC and 83.3 percent sensitivity rate, according to external validation testing in a new study.