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100+ Hospitals Choose Phoenix Health System's HIPAA Security Policies Templates to Jump-Start HIPAA Security Initiatives


MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, Md., Jan. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Since their introduction in October, 2003, Phoenix Health System's HIPAA Security Policies Template Suite has been selected by over 100 U.S. hospitals as a major first step in building their HIPAA

MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, Md., Jan. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Since their introduction in October, 2003, Phoenix Health System's HIPAA Security Policies Template Suite has been selected by over 100 U.S. hospitals as a major first step in building their HIPAA Security programs. In addition, a variety of clinics, physicians' organizations, mental health facilities, states and counties have obtained licenses to use Phoenix's comprehensive healthcare-specific set of "near-camera-ready" security policies. The HIPAA Security Policies Templates Suite consists of 54 detailed, customizable security policies mapped to all major components of the HIPAA Rule, based on security industry best practices and standards, and fine-tuned to the realities of healthcare provider environments.

HIPAA legislation has established an April 2005 deadline by which all covered healthcare organizations must implement a complete, documented security program to protect electronic health information. An important component is developing the organization's security policies -- a major time-consuming task that takes strong security expertise and HIPAA knowledge. Policy language must reflect the Security Rule's complex requirements, yet be simple enough to be understood and applied by the entire organization's workforce.

The HIPAA Security Policies Templates Suite remains the only comprehensive set of security policies designed specifically to meet the needs of healthcare provider organizations. Developed by certified security specialists with strong healthcare experience, the series may be purchased as a set, or policies may be bought individually via a perpetual license for indefinite use and customization, at a reasonable price. To learn more about Phoenix Health System's HIPAA Security Policies Templates Suite's content, pricing, and secure online delivery, visit: HIPAAdvisory.com/Wares/Security/.

About Phoenix Health Systems

A major provider of healthcare information systems consulting and outsourcing services, Phoenix Health Systems has been widely recognized for its web-based HIPAA knowledge resources, including HIPAAdvisory.com, the HIPAAlert E-newsletter, the Quarterly Healthcare Industry HIPAA Compliance Survey (co-sponsored by HIMSS), and its monthly audioconference programs. The firm's staff of 120+ IT professionals provides value-driven solutions to hospitals and other healthcare provider organizations through information technology department outsourcing; IT strategic planning, systems procurement and implementation; and specialty consulting assistance in HIPAA compliance, information security, E-health, clinical transformation, and revenue enhancement.


Phoenix Health Systems

CONTACT: D'Arcy Guerin Gue, Executive Vice President of Phoenix Health
Systems, +1-301-869-7300

Web site: http://www.phoenixhealth.com/



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